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PB&J's Covid-19 Response Plan

PB&J's main goal is to remain Open and prevent the COVID-19 virus from Entering our centers.

We need EVERYONE to do their part in maintaining a Safe and Healthy Environment for all. Everyone plays a part in getting us through this pandemic


Our Systems And Protocols

PB&J is committed to provide you with the peace of mind to know that your child is protected, safe and well cared for. The Health & Safety of children and staff is our highest priority. Our systems and protocols work together to ensure that every school maintains the highest standard of cleanliness and safety. PB&J  adheres to Tennessee sanitation recommendations and mandates as well as following the recommendations from the CDC in instances involving and Epidemic or Pandemic.

Your child is protected, safe and well cared for

Existing Heath & Safety Practices

  • PB&J requires children with respiratory illness symptoms or fever to remain home for at least 72 hours after the onset of symptoms.
  • PB&J requires all individuals, (children, parents, teachers, resource professionals, and volunteers) to wash thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water upon entering any classroom. To help children develop good habits, we post detailed, visual instructions for proper handwashing are posted at every sink throughout our center.
  • We disinfect and sanitize areas of high contact frequently though out the day, and all materials at the end of each day.
  • Infant sheets are laundered daily.
  • Children are provided individual cot sheets that are laundered weekly and stored in a way that prevents contact with other children’s sheets.
  • Health & Safety training is required and conducted frequently to all Staff, and outside administrators. These trainings include CPT, First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Prevention and Control of infectious diseases and Emergency preparedness and response planning to name just a few.
  • Center-wide Fire Drills, Tornado Drills and Lock Down Drills are completed on a monthly and quarterly basis.
  • PB&J has a strict Supervision Policy covering a range of topics that is reviewed with all Staff on their first day of employment and multiple times throughout the year.
  • Professional Cleaners contracted to clean and sanitize each center at the end of each day.
Little girl reading a book.

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